Proximate is a framework/middleware that empowers proximity communication applications using peer-to-peer technology. Designed for mobile devices with wireless connectivity, this platform can host pluggable applications sharing the same network and user identification layers. It can be compared to MSN/Windows Live Messenger in the way it integrates diverse modules in a common environment, allowing people to communicate and interact.
Here is a short list of scenarii justifying the use of proximate:
This release demonstrates the idea and the technology of proximate. It is unstable but happened to work! You can install it on your PocketPC (Windows Mobile 2003 with dotNet framework 1) and try the sample chat application.
Here is a list of features proposed in the chat application:
Disclaimer: The authors are not responsible of the effects of
the use of proximate. Don't install it unless you assume this responsability. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
Cabinets: Download the cabinet matching with the processor of your PocketPC
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Proximate was developed as a "Mobile Devices Project" at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia. Sanjot Dalvi and Adrien Joly spent 4 months on it and eventually got the excellent grade of 7/7.
The project is currently abandoned by its authors but we would be pleased to hear from you about Proximate. Please use the email address given on the bottom of this page. Cheers!
We would like to acknowledge and thank: